Elder law is designed to protect a vulnerable population of people

On Behalf of | Apr 23, 2019 | Elder Abuse

Growing older is a fact of life. Whether you live here in Colorado or elsewhere, as you age, you could become a target for someone who believes you are vulnerable. One form of abuse many older people suffer is financial abuse. Elder law is designed to help protect you from these types of people.

Sadly, it is not just strangers who attempt to take advantage of older people. In many cases, family members are the ones perpetrating the financial abuse. You may think your loved ones would never do that to you, but what if you are wrong? 

You may believe you took the appropriate steps to protect yourself by creating powers of attorney appointing someone you trusted to look after your financial affairs if you can no longer make decisions on your own. If that trust was misplaced, you could sustain significant financial losses. For some people, the allure of easy money is too much to ignore.  Even in a conservatorship, which is often monitored by the court, financial abuse occurs far too often. More often than not, often a family member notices the problem before anyone else does.

Regardless of who notices the issue, prompt legal action could put a stop to the activity. Elder law can help you plan for the future, but it can also help you if you find yourself the victim of financial abuse. Not only may civil remedies be available under Colorado law, but criminal charges could be appropriate as well. You worked hard during your life in order to spend your retirement years in comfort, and you deserve the chance to do so. You can take steps to protect yourself.